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Oil Paintings
Peloton, 60"x 48"
18th Hole, 36"x 24"
Grand Prix, 36"x 24"
Super G, 16"x 20"
Pipeline, 36"x 24"
Montalcino, 20"x 16", Sold, Not for Sale
Val d'Orcia Hill Town, 20"x 16", Sold, Not for Sale
Bougainvillea, 20"x 16", Sold, Not for Sale
Ristorante, 20"x 16", Sold, Not for Sale
Annacapri, 36"x 24", Sold, Not for Sale
Boca Raton, 36"x 24", Sold, Not for Sale
Painting and architecture are closely related for me. Both are artistic responses to our environment. They both reflect the way we see the world. It is enjoyable recording scenes of beauty as well as building houses that are elegant and intriguing. The process of creating a delightful painting is similar to creating a comfortable house. Light, contrast, detail and content must be carefully woven into a successful composition.
If you would like to commission an original oil or watercolor painting or if you would like to purchase one of the paintings that I have done above, please email me at:
Price includes shipping. Paintings are copyrighted but the copyright notice does not appear on the actual painting. Reproduction of these paintings is not allowed.
Thank you for your interest in my artwork and architecture.
-Steven DeWitt
To order the original oil paintings or to commission a new painting, please email me at:
To order a copy printed on stretched canvas, please view the options at: and then email me at: and I will remove the watermark for the artwork you select.
All Artwork is copyrighted by Steven DeWitt ©2022
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